Life Drawing Issue 01: EGO


32 page book (cover to cover)
paper size: 5.5 x 4.25 inches
First edition of 100 (signed and dated on the inside cover)

This book is intended for for artists and creators of all stripes. The subject of this book is the ego, its impact on us as individual makers, and its influence on the culture at large. If you are an artist who is seeking a more spiritual path to unlock a higher dimension in your art, I hope this small book can offer guidance.

This is the first book of my writings that I have made public I whole heartedly welcome any of your comments or feedback on this offering. I intend to publish others in similar volumes and eventually present them together as one larger edition. If you get something out of it, please share it with your friends, post on social media (you can tag me at @MonsieurDavison on Instagram if you like).

Purchasing a hard copy will help me cover printing costs and support my further efforts in this area. Thank you!

Availability: In stock

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